Mon Pajemploi au quotidien

by Urssaf



My daily Pajemploi accompanies employer parents and their childminder on a daily basis.Intuitive, practical and complementary features to the Pajemploi service that allow parent employers and their childminder to:- follow the counters for the number of hours on call performed,- add on-call events to the shared schedule (absence, overtime, holidays, etc.),- to automate all the calculations (follow-up of leave, salary, etc.) for the declaration,- easily manage multiple contracts.And in one click, parent employers can validate their Pajemploi declaration from the application!The employer parent can use the application alone or in pairs with their childminder.To use the application, your employment contract must meet 3 conditions:- Record of maternal assistance activity- It must be an open-ended contract starting no earlier than June 1, 2022- The schedule must be regular: on-call hours must be the same each weekTo find out more visit: